With efforts and initiative of foreign and local students and the university administration, the Council of Foreign Communities' Leaders was launched at Sumy State University with its mission to improve the learning and living environment of foreign students at the university, protect their rights and interests, and enforce their responsibility.
The Council consists of the communities' leaders (one representative from each country), Student Rector and members of the student rectorate responsible for work with foreign students, First Vice-rector, the Head of the Department of International Education, deputy deans (directors) responsible for work with foreign students.
The main tasks of the Council are:
- development of mutual understanding, friendship, and cooperation between students, PhD students, employees, and academic staff;
- coordination between communities and the university administration in all matters related to the study and stay of foreign students at the university;
- protection of the rights and interests of foreign citizens studying at the university;
- enforcement of foreign citizens' responsibility, prevention of crimes committed by foreign citizens;
- fostering foreign citizens' participation in the social, scientific, cultural, and sports life of the university;
- ensuring appropriate living conditions for foreign citizens.