Name and Nationality:

Hamed Wesam Mohammed Hamed (Iraq)


Year. Position, company (country, webpage)

Since 2020 has been working as a surgeon at the Putivl City Hospital (Putivl, Ukraine) .

Education at SumDU:

year of graduation, education level, speciality

2015, Specialist in “General Medicine”;

2017, clinical residency in “Surgery”.



The university is constantly improving the quality of education, it is noticeable, every year Sumy State University leads in the rankings. It's been pleasant to learn from professionals. I understand that there is an urgent need for doctors in Ukraine now, so I continue to work here, despite the circumstances.

Sumy State University,
116, Kharkivska st.,
40007 Sumy, Ukraine
Main building, 8th floor, room № 804
tel/fax: +38 (0542) 337114
e-mail: [email protected]