
The Faculty FPSC is a centre of the socio-humanitarian sphere in the university and Ukraine. Almost 700 students study at the faculty, including 30 graduate students and 600 full-time students. Foreign students from more than 5 countries study at the faculty. Students are taught in Ukrainian, English, and German according to their educational levels:

  • Bachelor
  • Master
  • PhD


Profound knowledge and practical skills allow graduates of the FPSC faculty to become  professional journalists, advertisers or PR specialists; sociologists, political scientists or public opinion leaders; directors, producers or show business organizers; employees of diplomatic missions, translators, lecturers or teachers of foreign languages. We do not promise that you will be a famous and highly paid specialist immediately after graduation. However, we know: that if you use the knowledge, skills, and abilities acquired during your study, it will come true. And our graduates are a great example of this! No other kind of human activity provides such an opportunity for self-realization as the socio-humanitarian sphere.


The faculty possesses potent material and technical basis, which you can find not at every university even of our capital or not at every technical or IT faculty. Great attention is devoted to the practical part while educating future professionals: just after entering students practice in modern computer classrooms, language laboratories, radio and TV studios, and laboratory of Virtual and Augmented Reality. From the first courses, they work in the speciality chosen for study and participate in the organization of various events of regional and national significance.


The staff of the faculty comprises 110 Doctors and Candidates of Science: leading scientists in their fields; participants of recognized international projects; practitioners in the field of journalism, translation, psychology, political science, etc.; experts, trainers, and consultants. Well-known journalists, translators, sociologists, psychologists, PR experts, and representatives of show business perform workshops and coaching.

Our achievements

Students of the faculty constantly win in All-Ukrainian and international scientific competitions and olympiads, in international sports competitions and festivals of the entertainment industry. Lecturers are members of leading expert groups, members of scientific institutions and editorial boards of publications. The faculty publishes the special journals “Philological treatises” and “Obraz”, and constantly conducts discussions, round tables, and seminars on topical issues of social life.

Sumy State University,
116, Kharkivska st.,
40007 Sumy, Ukraine
Main building, 8th floor, room № 804
tel/fax: +38 (0542) 337114
e-mail: [email protected]